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The Lord of the Kings, the Return of the Ring � � � 03.01.04 * 00:38

All right. It totally won all eleven awards.

But where, oh where, were Viggo and Orlando and Miranda and Jonathan and uh, Denethor and Theoden? Didn't they want to go to the Oscars? I would have wanted to go.

Ach, don't tell me they're making some kind of political statement by not going. I wouldn't be able to like them anymore were that the case.

The one award ROTK won with which I didn't necessarily agree was Best Adapted Screenplay. Don't misinterpret, I think the movie's great and definitely was the best this year, but they really could have done a much better job adapting the words. I mean, I still can't get over the fact that they gave Tom Bombadil's lines to a tree.


And what was with everyone thanking J.R.R. Tolkien? The old coot is dead! He doesn't need to be thanked, I'm sure he knew he was a badass visionary, writer, linguist, philologist etc. I was hoping someone would thank that asshat Christopher Tolkien. Jesus. That tool practically ruined every book he touched.

Anyway, I have to go to bed now, because John's watching Donnie Darko, and I am *so* boycotting that movie, it's not even funny. Gots to gizzit myself into the bedroom and go to sleep.

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