64% of adults think children are overrated

mmmmBOP � � � 03.03.03 * 22:19

Another in the series of Luthien pictures:

I did some laundry today; I didn't feel up to it, but I really had to have clean clothes. I got into a fight with a woman in the laundry room when she took my washer and tried to steal my quarters. I won the fight because I dumped cascade, mr. clean, 409, and some other stuff in her clothes after she left. It made her clothes smell like hazardous waste, but that's cool, because all she was washing was like 8 pairs of red silk pajamas. Dumb bitch.

I hate her.

Two people want to buy my violin. One of them is in Taiwan, and one is in Wisconsin. The one in Wisconsin wants to call me on the telephone. I emailed back and said I didn't have a phone. I have to talk on the phone enough; I decree that we shall use email only. Isn't that the point of eBay? Chew on that, Wisconsonite.


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