64% of adults think children are overrated

Christine Hallucinates � � � Saturday, Aug. 02, 2003 * 01:14

Dreams are not going satisfactorily.

I don't enjoy waking up in a panic, desperately searching for my belly button, having just dreamt that it was a bloody mess, with the jewelry forcefully torn out and all of my insides exposed.

I don't enjoy waking up in tears, thinking I'm still clutching a telephone, having just heard in my dream Justin tell me that he would never be coming home, and then the sound of silence, and far off the voice of some other woman telling Justin how much she loved him.

I don't enjoy waking up screaming, thinking in all certainty that the faceless man in my dream is still pursuing me, wielding a baseball bat and a chainsaw, trying to rape and pillage me.

I've had enough.

Tonight I had to drive through a 'Sobriety Checkpoint' on my way back from picking up cigarettes and water at WaWa. I got all ready by pulling out my driver's license, and John was looking in the glove compartment for my registration just in case. But I didn't need anything.

"Hello, I'm officer Hearst. This is a sobriety checkpoint." He gave me a toothy smile; he was really quite good looking. His eyes were rather mesmerizing, if I might add. "Have you had anything to drink tonight?"

"No," I said, grinning and shaking my head.

"Have a nice evening."

I love me some cute police officers. Just made my night.

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