64% of adults think children are overrated

oh dear god in heaven � � � Monday, Oct. 20, 2003 * 06:49

This is new. Actually, it's old.

I can't sleep. Let me clarify: I refuse to go into the bedroom because I have delusions of monsters, ghosts, goonie-goo-goos and wee beasties lurking behind the alarm clock, between the pages of my stacks of bedside reading material, below my jerry-rigged bedframe, beyond the screen door. Which is now closed and locked.

When I walked into that room an hour ago, it was bristling with bad moxie. Like a poltergeist was roosting on my nightstand, daring me to come nearer. The bedclothes had colluded with the floor in the bedroom to create shadows and textures that most unequivocally resemble gremlins, rats, and snakes.

And the shadows were moving.

This is rather dubious, seeing as how THERE IS NO FUCKING WIND IN MY BEDROOM.

All of this has nothing to do with my darling mother's prognostication regarding my untimely demise tonight. I have not been proselytized, my safety procedures shall remain unchanged.

It has everything to do with Justin being gone and me being here alone with the cats and the rest of the zoo.

My Mist has taken on a sinister light. Her attempts to escape whatever is With us have clearly failed, and I imagine that she is now inhabited by the spirit. Normally endearing, her one-woman races around the apartment have become frantic and feverish. Upon seeing my face when I fled the bedroom, trembling and wan, she absconded at a velocity heretofore attributed only to migratory European swallows and gazelles of the Serengeti, and she has now set up camp on the top of the tallest bookshelf, from which she is holding baleful court, casting glances my way that could cut through Osmium.

If we had any Osmium lying around, I would definitely do an experiment.

Of course, I mean, I'm just being silly. Ridiculous. It's light outside now, I can go to bed. Mist probably just has diarrhea, or something ---


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