64% of adults think children are overrated

Everything that has a beginning has a crappy ending � � � Friday, Nov. 07, 2003 * 00:37

100 entries? Crap. .. No more Matrix?


I can't believe I'm sitting here, having seen the last of the Matrix. I feel like it was just last month that I sat in the front row of a movie theater for the first time in my life, straining my neck, trying to understand WHY the fuck they kept saying "matrix" over and over again, who this Morpheus character was supposed to be and who Carrie Ann Moss was trying to fool with that shiny suit.

Anyway, I am so relieved that none of the bullshit theories everyone on all the Matrix message boards had for the ending came true. There was no nested matrix, no Jesus fix, no 18 other Architects, no flying monkeys, and Morpheus didn't end up banging Trinity.

Yes, I liked the movie, and no, I didn't like the movie. I didn't like the last scene, where was the Rage Against the Machine music, and I don't like the fact that everyone in Zion can fit into a smallish cave when we are told that there are millions of people living there.

But I did enjoy this movie for three really easy reasons.

Oh, and I wouldn't read on if you haven't seen it yet and don't want to know things about Trinity.

So don't say I didn't warn you.

Reason # 1: Keanu Reeves is hot, and he can act way better than a wooden plank;

Reason # 2: Trinity FINALLY died;

Reason # 3: Hugo Weaving and I are going to have a baby.

Thank you for reading my silly attempt at a critique of a movie.


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