64% of adults think children are overrated

Ode on A Loved-One � � � Friday, Oct. 31, 2003 * 21:53

Quietly sleeping through the daylight,

You are everywhere I look, everywhere I run,

In the windowpane of a storefront,

Turning around to see another who reflects your face in my mindless wanderings,

Never near, never far, never anywhere at all.


And like words through a vacuum,

Tumultuous, misguided words,

Rock-tumbled into a siren song of love by my eager ears,

Your voice takes shape and calls out to me in the only way it can.

And I hear only the pealing of bells, only the calling of gulls, only the froth of the tide, as only your voice can meld,

As if the world herself were calling me to the shore to walk into the arms of the sea,

Where only we could collapse into a pile of shifting limbs and lives,

And only we could live apart, together, in a dream of mine.


When will this conclude, this story, this weaving of tales in my head,

So far only a shade of a saga, not yet a looming of fate, nothing but a drifting piece of held breath on the river of thought, on the stream of remembrance,

Where every day with you was like the first,

And every night was not the last.


Um, oh,

Is all that comes out when confronted with your cat-eyes;

In my mind, I hold you captive with a whisper,

And your back arches when I make you feel my love,

And You Love Me,

And I Love You.

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