64% of adults think children are overrated

World War III Started Last Week � � � Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 * 01:58

<< Our world leaders will enslave us with four words. TERRORISM, HEALTH AND NATIONAL SECURITY. Once they CREATE the next crisis such as a nuclear attack on a major city, people will be quarantined for HEALTH reasons. This is how it begins. Our world leaders will enslave us by throwing us into chaos. World War III has already begun. >>





"We all live in a terrorist regime, a terrorist regime, a terrorist regime!"

As long as our slave-driving, thieving, Jacobin leaders continue to impose morality on the populace and make decisions based upon an abstract world design, rather than upon actions and their real-life consequences to real-life people, we will continue to live in a police state, in a black box, in a twisted reality where George Bush can bless America in god's name, and Donald Rumsfeld can eat steak and eggs for breakfast while 19 year old kids are handcuffed for smoking a joint.

Meanwhile, Tony Blair and Mr. Bush can sit down to afternoon tea and have their advisors draw up plans for the next assault on Nations Full of Brown People, while American and British forces continue to occupy one, halfway around the globe, which poses neither of their respective countries a threat.

Fuck you, America. I hope someone assassinates you. All 300 million of you, for being indifferent, ignorant, evil and incompetent assholes.

America, if you had half a brain, you would have overthrown the government years ago.

Stop letting people take you for a fool.

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