64% of adults think children are overrated

Christine Found Mitri � � � Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 * 00:12

I lost my cat today! But then I found him!

I didn't know the screen door was open in my bedroom. The poor little guy was lost for about 18 hours, as far as I can figure. I cried and cried. Then I walked through all the wooded areas around here and called to him, to no avail. I enlisted the help of about 30 people all around our apartment community. I met some very, very interesting people this way, but their descriptions I will reserve for another entry.

Preview: I've named some of them Snaggletard, White Dog Lady, Cheek Man, and Unhelpful Girl. Stay tuned.

I went to Kinko's and printed out 22 copies of my Find Dmitri poster, and put them up all around the neighborhood. Then I pulled into my parking spot and prepared to go and search for kit-ten again, even though it was very dark. But to my surprise, one of the ladies who was on the Mitri Rescue Squad came running up. She had found Mitri! He was sitting in a bush, howling and crying. I ran to him, and he ran to me. But he got startled, and jumped down into our patio area, which is low in the ground and outside of John's bedroom. I ran inside, and let him in. We had much snuggling, and much happy meows. Mitri is hungry and tired, and very dirty, but he has had his dinner and a nice long bath.

Now, his sister Mist is trying to kill him.

She did this same thing when he came back from getting neutered. I guess she can't recognize his scent, and feels threatened. Last time it took about 2 or 3 days for her to accept him. I don't know what the fuck. She scratched his nose and it's bleeding, and she scratched me.


After I get back from the bank, I'll write about Snaggletard. I promise.

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