64% of adults think children are overrated

Christine Gets A Pink Slip � � � Friday, May. 16, 2003 * 19:32

"At a better pace, slower and more calculated, no chance of escape, now self-employed, concerned but powerless: an empowered and informed member of society."

I had a job this morning. This afternoon, I had no job.

I had no plan this morning. This evening, I have a plan.

Sometimes I wonder what I'm really doing on this earth, and then I remember the answer: waiting. Clear as day now to me is the fact that I was not meant to be waiting for my career as shop hand at name removed to protect the innocent/guilty to unfurl and develop into a full-blown apprenticeship. Clear as day now to me is that this is of no import.

If I want to moan about this, I can. If I want to cry, or bitch, or snivel, I can. But I really don't want to. It's like, after I got done snivelling and weeping about it for 14 minutes, I snapped out of it, kicked my cello, stomped my feet, and yelled "Why, God, why?", something snapped and I just didn't care to think about it anymore.

Now all I want to do is find a nice summer job and while away my days by the pool, and just let it go.

Considering my penchant for melodrama and melancholy and all the other melon words you can dream up, this is good news, people! I was over and done with this shitty news in half an hour or less! I've moved on! I don't even harbor any bad feelings towards the good folk at my PREVIOUS place of employment!

It's nice, really. I feel simple and free. I feel like I have better things to do. I feel like this is the best news I've gotten all month.

I got fired. I really did.

And I'm really glad.

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