64% of adults think children are overrated

just a drop of water in an endless sea � � � 03.08.04 * 02:20

I've been trying to remember something all day. Rather, I've remembered something earlier today, and I've spent the rest of the hours trying to figure out if it's real or imagined.

I was listening to Dust in the Wind and I started crying, of course. I imagined myself as a bit of dust blowing and swirling in the wind and I bawled and bawled. Then I had an odd sensation of deja vu. I suddenly thought of myself sitting on the stage in the auditorium at Franklin High School playing a silly duet on the guitar with either Mr. Tucker or a kid who looked like a chipmunk, and simultaneously wishing that I were playing Dust in the Wind. No, that doesn't make much sense. Let me elaborate. I imagined myself, and next to me was a being that morphed in and out of existence, kind of like the rabbit in Donnie Darko (I simply cannot believe that I'm mentioning that movie in slobber), and whose face, when turned to me, was Chipmunk Boy, but when turned to the audience was Mother Tucker. And bright stage lights were shining on us from above, and I could see David Espinoza in the seats.

Now, I think I distinctly remember actually performing a duet on guitar at a school concert. Lord knows I went to all of the concerts so this would certainly be possible that I had been asked to play a little diddy. However, it just doesn't seem right.

Therefore, if anyone from my school can offer statements either in support or in denial of this occurrance, I will greatly appreciate it.

In other news, I am feeling much better and look forward to returning to work tomorrow.

In other other news, I found my Franz Liszt anthology / biography books and I am very excited about this.

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