64% of adults think children are overrated

Christine Goes to Bed � � � Friday, Apr. 25, 2003 * 21:41

1. What size is your bed?: Queen

2. What do you wear to bed?: Nothing, or a t-shirt and boxers, or a tank top and underwear, or pajamas

3. How many people regularly sleep in your bed?: If by regularly you mean when my husband is not halfway around the world, then 2.

4. Do you sleep with a blankie or stuffed animals?: Jenny !

5. If you could wake up next to any famous person who would it be?: OH, Kiefer! If only!

6. What would have happened the night before?: Well it would involve a lot of Kiefer whispering in my ear and also him pretending to "hold me for questioning" ... naked questioning. Ahem.

7. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed?: 3

8. Who is the next person you would like to have in your bed with you?: my husband

9. What position do you go to sleep in?: side, very rarely back

10. What position do you wake up in?: i can never seem to remember.

11. Have you ever woken up in a really weird position?: I'd call it a little weird when i wake up on a bed with no coverings, and later find the sheet and/or pillow(s) in the dining room or kitchen.

12. How many blankets/covers do you have on your bed?: 3-4

13. Do you hog the blankets?: Decidedly so

14. Have you ever found your pillows on the other side of the room?: I've found them on the other side of the house.

15. When was the last time you fell out of bed?: couple of years

16. Do you have any strange bed habits such as sleep talking etc?: I kick violently

17. Do you snore?: probably..yuck.

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