64% of adults think children are overrated

buy my birdfeeders � � � Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 * 04:02

For the past two days, I've moved no more than 50 feet. That's total, people.

Highlights have included sitting in my papasan chair for 7 straight hours, devouring chocolate muffins with a zest unequalled in the world of men, and snorting while breathing in with gusto and enjoying the pleasant snug-snug-snug sound coming out of my nostrils.

Other highlights have included watching Sealab 2021 episode number Bizarro, entitled "Bizarro" for the bizarroeth time, setting up TheSimsOnline again and making a character named Eo'wyn, and hanging out in the Barliman's chat room on theonering.net to talk about ROTK.

I don't care if I'm coughing up entrails tomorrow, or drooling snot out of my ears, I'm going to see that movie, and I'm probably going to cry so hard during it that I lose my mind.

As good as 24 has been lately, it and everything else is just fucking overshadowed by Return of the King.

Tomorrow is going to be the best day. Ever.


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